
"Mulder, the evidence... someone stole it!"

"And the only person who knows about it
is... Mr. X!"

"Come on, Mulder, let's find him before it's too late."

"You go that way, and I'll go thru the back...
and Scully, be careful."


Profile of Mr. X

Mr. X

Instructions :

  1. Wait for the page to finish downloading.
  2. Press Start.
  3. Click on Mr. X as he appears.
  4. 1 point closer to the truth for each Mr. X you hit/catch.
    1 point further from the truth if you click on an empty space.
  5. After 30 seconds, ask yourself :
    "Do I really want to do that again ?"

  • NB : game speed is dependent on your computer.

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