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Education Courseware Demo

Education Courseware Demo


Period spent to complete project:
  5 days
Completion date:
  August 1998
This site was created as a demonstration for the Education Net Courseware Competition 1998 in the secondary school section. Although the graphics looked simple somewhat, there's a lot of client-side Javascript involved especially in creating those interactive Q&As for every section.

The "Soalan Kefahaman" in each section will only compare your answer to the correct answer when the Submit button is clicked. On the other hand, the "Soalan Ulangkaji" section at the end of the lesson will not only compare the answers, but also give you marks based on the correct answers you have given.

The questions also have validation rules set on them, so whenever a user missed answering any of the questions, a prompt box will pop-up to remind them to answer; otherwise, the user won't be able to continue with the lesson. All the answers to the questions will appear at the bottom part of the question frames.

The deadline for this project was really short; everything was very much in a rush when I started to do it, so I only got the site tested in Netscape Navigator 4.0 and above. It might not work for older versions of browsers, and probably not with Internet Explorer 4.0.

Tools & skills used: HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Photoshop, Arachnophilia, Microsoft Notepad.